Standing Committees
What Are PNW Key Club's Standing Committees?
PNW Key Club has six standing committees. Each committee is comprised of a Committee Chair, Committee Secretary, Executive Liaison, Kiwanis Liaisons, and members from the District Board. All committees are established at the beginning of the year as appointed by the District Governor and are the primary way our district attains its goals during the year.
Check out the committee directives for a complete list of committee members and a detailed description of each committee.
Current Committees
District Convention (DCON) Committee
The District Convention (DCON) Committee plans and organizes the annual District Convention. The committee develops a convention schedule, reviews awards, coordinates workshops, and ensures DCON is a fun and fulfilling experience for all attendees.
Visit the DCON Website to learn more about DCON!

District Project (DP) Committee
The District Project (DP) Committee promotes and develops resources for the District Project. This year, the committee helps clubs support youth experiencing houselessness in the Pacific Northwest through The SEAD: End Youth Houselessness Initiative.
Visit to learn more about the District Project!

Kiwanis-Family Relations (K-Fam) Committee
The Kiwanis-Family Relations (K-Fam) Committee helps Key Clubs strengthen relations with the Kiwanis Family. The committee educates members on the seven branches of the Kiwanis Family and provides resources for joint projects and events.
Visit the K-Fam Linktree to find resources from the K-Fam Committee!

Membership Growth and Reactivation Committee (MGRC)
The Membership Growth and Reactivation Committee (MGRC) develops resources to help clubs grow membership and retain engaged members. The committee aims to increase the number of active members in the PNW District through member recruitment, reactivating inactive or suspended clubs, and chartering new clubs.
Visit the MGRC Linktree to find resources from MGRC!

Pacific Northwest Opportunities Fund (PNWOF) Committee
The Pacific Northwest Opportunities Fund (PNWOF) Committee provides financial support to individual clubs through service grants. These grants help clubs execute large-scale service projects that strengthen their local community or support the District Project. Committee members promote PNWOF and help clubs with the application process.
Visit to learn more about the PNWOF Grant!

The Webmaster helps maintain consistent, effective, and wide-reaching communication throughout the Pacific Northwest District. They ensure that PNW Key Club’s website contains up-to-date and relevant resources and is a valuable tool for members to find information from the district.
The webmaster maintains this website. Find upcoming events, updates from the district, resources for all members, and more!