What’s Poppin’ PNW: August 21, 2020

Hi Key Clubbers, for this week What’s Poppin’ Post, we will be spotlighting Division 22/24. Here’s a word from there LTG Jerlen Vega: “I can’t be more proud of the geckos as they navigate through this challenging year! At the start of quarantine, the new officers stepped up to plate as leaders of their community by holding virtual meetings and attending our first DCM—one where we created items to support those affected by COVID-19. Division 22/24 officers have also been carefully preparing for the start of an all virtual school year by holding meetings to discuss future plans and goals. There has also been greater participation in district activities as officers attend webinars that better equip them for the coming year, as well as complete challenges to participate in the Thirst Project Bingo.” Thanks Jerlen!