Win $250 for your Club!

CLUB CONTEST: WIN $250 FOR YOUR CLUB Want to throw a pizza or doughnut party? Want some extra funds to support a cause important to your club? If your club updates their entire list of officers with names and emails by November 1, your club will be entered into a drawing for one of ten $250 prizes. To update your list of officers names and email addresses, visit the membership update center. Any club secretary or faculty advisor can update the list of officers for your club. Because we know that this message will be most effectively shared with clubs by LTGs, we are offering an incentive to them for sharing this message as well. When club winners are chosen, we will reach out to the LTG for the club and if they can show they sent three reminders to their clubs encouraging them to report their officers, they will receive a $100 prize for their club. If you have any questions about the contest or the membership update center, contact Amanda Spice at